Welcome to Living Paintings!

A virtual installation that transforms static paintings into interactive experiences.

To begin, select which painting you'd like to experience.

Starry Night

Vincent van Gogh

A Sunday Afternoon

Georges Seurat


Caspar David Friedrich


Pablo Picasso

Starry Night

Vincent van Gogh, 1889

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

Georges Seurat, 1884

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

Caspar David Friedrich, 1818


Pablo Picasso, 1937

~ About ~

The Vision

Living Paintings is a virtual installation that transforms static paintings into interactive experiences by leveraging parallax movement. Shift your virtual perspective of the paintings by moving your cursor or by tilting your phone on mobile. For the full experience, click the [⤢] button to toggle full-screen.

The Context

This site was created by Laura Wilson as the final project for CLPS0540 Spring21 Simulating Reality: The (Curious) History and Science of Immersive Experiences, a Brown University course for Spring 2021.

The Goals

The Process

I carefully disected each painting into layers using Adobe Photoshop, filling any holes with Photoshop's Content Aware Fill Tool. Then, I built a webpage to host the paintings, and utilized parallax.min.js to add parallax movement interaction for each layer. In most cases, I gave the foreground the highest relative velocity and decreased the velocity for each layer behind it to mimic a sense of depth in the paintings. The specific velocity values were based on my assumptions of depth of the painting's content, and then exaggerated to create a more immersive, engaging interactive experience.

You can check out my code in this GitHub repo!